Topic Sun Chemical developed SunColorBox, a unique set of tools and services that enable consistent and accurate digital color communication
Sun Chemical Promotes Initiatives Aimed at Addressing Important Social Imperatives
Sun Chemical, which oversees the DIC Group’s operations in Europe and the Americas, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of printing inks. The company develops and supplies a broad range of products that address diverse social imperatives.
Social Imperative
Brand owners are under constant pressure to streamline processes, introduce efficiencies, manage cost by eliminating waste and reduce time to market. But the bedrock of brand identity is color. If the color isn’t right, the integrity of the entire supply chain is compromised. This means that achieving consistent color across substrates, print processes and national frontiers is essential to the efficiency of the whole packaging workflow. There are two major obstacles to this. The first is the number of variables that make true color consistency elusive, such as package types, substrates, inks and more. The second is the number of parties with input to the production and approval of color. The universe of brand owners, designers and converters is vast and geographically spread out.
While software and hardware tools for color management are available, they are often deployed inconsistently by the individual links in the supply chain. The result is a chain of disconnected islands of solutions, rather than a cohesive community working to an industry-standard reference, with every supplier providing its own solution working within its own environment, without the necessary integration needed for a highly efficient workflow. In practice, “color management” is often a mix of gut feel, operator experience and the inconsistent use of measurement tools and samples.
Try to map the color management process in many packaging supply chains and the picture can be chaotic, with communication between the different parties often going in loops of approval and re-approval. For brand owners, this is a recipe for error, inefficiency and unnecessary cost. It’s no surprise that color that fails to meet brand owner expectations is the primary reason for rejects and reworks.
Sun Chemical’s Response
Sun Chemical developed SunColorBox, a unique set of tools and services that enable consistent and accurate digital color communication throughout the entire packaging supply chain. SunColorBox, a set of integrated tools, allows customers to select the most suitable services based on the size of their business and the investment required.
Since 2014, Sun Chemical has been implementing the SunColorBox solution at a large number of customer sites around the world using all major commercial printing technologies, including flexo, gravure and offset, and has achieved the following substantial savings for customers.
Build a complete support system to achieve customers Esustainable goals
Customers who have taken advantage of the tools from SunColorBox have achieved many of their sustainability goals—all by achieving the right brand color the first time. The benefits are far reaching. While our central color management team manages digital color management projects globally, implementation and support are all provided by the local Sun Chemical technical personnel. We have over 300 highly trained SunColorBox specialists with support from our more than 20 color centers. This centrally managed but locally supported model provides customers that personal touch in helping them achieve both their color and sustainability goals and distinguishes Sun Chemical as the market leader in high-efficiency color management.
Business Leader, Color Management, Sun Chemical Corporation Patrice Aurenty
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Sun Chemical developed SunColorBox, a unique set of tools and services that enable consistent and accurate digital color communication
Sun Chemical Promotes Initiatives Aimed at Addressing Important Social Imperatives