ESH Auditing

1. Framework for Promotion

The DIC Group regularly conducts ESH audits to ensure the effectiveness of Responsible Care initiatives at Group companies, plants and R&D facilities. Because these audits assess a variety of factors, in Japan they are carried out by audit teams composed of Responsible Care Department specialists, the executive officer responsible for production and labor union–endorsed union members. Audits also look at the implementation of safety initiatives and the progress of remedial measures undertaken in response to issues cited in the previous year’s audit. In other countries and territories, regional headquarters’ ESH officers conduct audits to ascertain the progress of initiatives with the aim of enhancing Responsible Care at individual sites.

2. ESH Audits in Fiscal Year 2023

Audits were carried out at principal Group sites in Japan, nine belonging to DIC and two to subsidiary DIC Graphics. These consisted of systems audits, designed to verify management levels; site inspections, which focus on frontline facilities; and compliance audits, which are conducted by a third-party consulting firm. These audits helped improve the level of safety and environmental management, identify production line hazards and improve compliance with pertinent laws and regulations. Systems audits were also implemented at nine sites belonging to Group companies in Japan other than DIC Graphics and the SEIKO PMC Group with the aim of enhancing safety and environmental management.

In other countries and territories, ESH audits were conducted by ESH officers at regional headquarters.

In the Asia–Pacific region, audits were carried out at nine sites. In Greater China, audits were as usual carried out at 12 sites. In the Americas, Europe and Africa, ESH audits were implemented at 13 sites belonging to Sun Chemical Group companies.
ESH audits were also conducted at 14 sites around the world belonging to the SEIKO PMC Group, which manufactures papermaking chemicals and resins for printing inks and reprographic products.

Outline of ESH Audits Implemented in Fiscal Year 2023
Audits Conducted at Subsidiaries’ Sites in Fiscal Year 2023

Administrative Penalties

In fiscal year 2023, one violation of Responsible Care–related regulations with a financial penalty was reported in Greater China.
The DIC Group has addressed the matter for which the penalty was imposed. In addition, steps have been taken to avoid recurrence.

Key Data

Theme Item Unit Boundary Third-party verification Fiscal year 2021 Fiscal year 2022 Fiscal year 2023
Occupational safety and health TRIR Persons/million work hours Japan 3.60 2.23 2.09
PRC 1.94 0.79 2.06
Asia–Pacific region 0.90 1.21 1.11
Americas and Europe - 5.33 6.33 4.53
Global*1 - 3.69 4.00 3.00
Frequency rate for occupational accidents resulting in workdays lost Persons/million work hours Japan 1.31 0.45 0.99
PRC 1.45 0.53 1.31
Asia–Pacific region 0.79 0.99 0.99
Americas and Europe - 2.70 3.36 2.49
Global*1 - 1.89 2.07 1.73
Fatalities due to occupational accidents Persons Japan 0 0 0
PRC 0 0 0
Asia–Pacific region 0 0 0
Americas and Europe - 0 0 0
Global*1 - 0 0 0
Injuries due to occupational accidents resulting in workdays lost Persons Japan 12 4 9
PRC 6 2 7
Asia–Pacific region 7 9 9
Americas and Europe - 45 70 50
Global*1 - 74 89 76
Injuries due to occupational accidents not resulting in workdays lost Persons Japan 21 16 10
PRC 2 1 4
Asia–Pacific region 1 2 1
Americas and Europe - 44 62 41
Global*1 - 71 83 56
Disaster prevention Process safety accidents Events Japan 7 3 7
Frequency of process safety accidents Events / 200,000 work hours Japan 0.128 0.050 0.124
Environmental pollution Emissions of VOCs Tonnes Japan - 239 200 191*2
Emissions of PRTR-designated chemical substances (into the air, water and soil) Tonnes Japan - 273 234 204*2
Emissions of NOx Tonnes Japan - 186 172 133
Emissions of SOx Tonnes Japan - 8.8 13.3 5
COD Tonnes Japan - 940 854 768
Total waste
(toxic and nontoxic)
Volume generated Tonnes Japan 42,914 41,422 39,790
Overseas - 64,101 76,851 68,815
Global - 107,015 118,273 108,604
Volume discharged by production facilities Tonnes Japan 30,541 31,627 30,238
Overseas - 57,186 70,756 62,373
Global - 87,727 102,383 92,611
Volume recycled Tonnes Japan 17,733 16,725 15,506
Overseas - 26,856 29,589 25,596
Global - 44,589 46,314 41,103
Waste heat recovered Tonnes Japan 20,434 20,849 20,371
Overseas - 15,832 12,001 23,691
Global - 36,266 32,850 44,062
Waste heat not recovered
(including from incineration)
Tonnes Japan 4,548 3,675 3,745
Overseas - 7,847 18,221 8,009
Global - 12,394 21,895 11,754
Volume disposed of as landfill Tonnes Japan 199 173 167
Overseas - 14,702 17,041 11,518
Global - 14,902 17,214 11,686
Resource recycling rate % Japan 89% 91% 90.2%
Overseas - 67% 54% 71.6%
Global - 76% 67% 78.4%
Toxic waste
(subject to special control)
Volume generated Tonnes Japan 7,660 8,268 8,585
Overseas - 37,938 47,546 40,375
Global - 45,597 55,815 48,960
Volume discharged by production facilities Tonnes Japan 6,136 7,069 7,417
Overseas - 31,068 41,495 33,975
Global - 37,203 48,564 41,392
Volume recycled Tonnes Japan 2,522 2,945 3,084
Overseas - 16,214 18,952 14,372
Global - 18,736 21,897 17,456
Waste heat recovered Tonnes Japan 4,212 4,597 4,077
Overseas - 15,671 9,935 21,053
Global - 19,883 14,532 25,130
Waste heat not recovered
(including from incineration)
Tonnes Japan 898 707 1,402
Overseas - 3,623 15,375 2,980
Global - 4,521 16,083 4,382
Volume disposed of as landfill Tonnes Japan 28 19 23
Overseas - 2,430 3,283 1,970
Global - 2,458 3,303 1,993
Fresh water withdrawn Surface water 1,000 m3 Japan 8,922 9,789 8,225
Overseas - 4,372 19,699 15,372
Global - 13,293 29,487 23,597
Groundwater 1,000 m3 Japan 6,505 6,403 6,210
Overseas - 1,840 2,278 1,820
Global - 8,345 8,681 8,030
Rainwater 1,000 m3 Japan 0 0 0
Overseas - 191 163 117
Global - 191 163 117
Fresh water withdrawn Wastewater generated by other organizations 1,000 m3 Japan 0 0 0
Overseas - 0 0 0
Global - 0 0 0
Tap water/industrial water 1,000 m3 Japan 12,178 11,441 10,997
Overseas - 2,153 4,771 4,404
Global - 14,331 16,212 15,401
Others 1,000 m3 Japan 20 19 18
Overseas - 77 47 52
Global - 96 66 70
Total 1,000 m3 Japan 27,625 27,651 25,450
Overseas - 8,632 26,957 21,765
Global - 36,257 54,608 47,215
Wastewater discharged Rivers 1,000 m3 Japan - 15,126 15,879 14,164
Overseas - 2,204 2,067 1,418
Global - 17,330 17,946 15,581
Oceans 1,000 m3 Japan - 7,341 6,888 6,565
Overseas - 1 0 0
Global - 7,342 6,888 6,565
Wastewater treatment plants 1,000 m3 Japan - 3,627 3,367 3,156
Overseas - 888 750 753
Global - 4,515 4,117 3,910
Below ground 1,000 m3 Japan - 1 1 1
Overseas - 7 7 7
Global - 8 8 8
Third parties 1,000 m3 Japan - 0 0 0
Overseas - 0 0 0
Global - 0 0 0
Others 1,000 m3 Japan - 0 0 0
Overseas - 3,380 22,077 17,305
Global - 3,380 22,077 17,305
Total 1,000 m3 Japan - 26,094 26,135 23,886
Overseas - 6,481 24,901 19,483
Global - 32,574 51,036 43,369
Water consumed Total 1,000 m3 Japan - 1,531 1,516 1,564
Overseas - 2,151 2,056 2,282
Global - 3,682 3,572 3,846
ISO 14001 Acquisition of certification % Global - 79% 78% 68%

*1 Global = Japan, PRC, Asia–Pacific region, Americas and Europe, and other regions
*2 As used here (as a period for data collection), fiscal year 2023 refers to the 12-month period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.