Epoxy Resins


Functional Products


House Equipment / Infrastructure

Functional Materials

Epoxy Resins Epoxy Resins

DIC's epoxy resin "EPICLON" exhibits excellent adhesive properties, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, etc., and is widely used in the fields of paint, electrical and electronics, civil engineering, construction, and adhesives.

DIC’s Sustainability Initiatives

The DIC Group has set "Realizing a carbon-neutral society," "Creating a resource-circulating society," and "Building a sustainable supply chain" as important issues (materiality) that the Group must address. DIC Epoxy (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (headquarters: Johor, Malaysia), a subsidiary of the company, has received ISCC PLUS certification*¹, an international certification system for sustainable products.

Relevant News Releases

DIC Acquires the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification’s ISCC PLUS Certification


Epoxy resin EPICLON

About Epoxy Resins

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