Low-dielectric/ Hygroscopic Active Property Ester Resin


Functional Products




Health Care



House Equipment / Infrastructure

Functional Materials

A special epoxy curing agent for high frequency PCBs. Features a low dielectric constant and a low moisture absorption rate.


Imparts the following features in cured materials.

  • Low dielectric constant: Low dielectric properties unrealizable in conventional cured epoxy resins: ε3.8 Tanδ0.009

  • Low moisture absorption rate (121°C PCT-4h): 0.25%

  • High heat resistance: DMA - 175°C

CCL Performance

Hardener HPC-8000-65T PN*
Dk @1GHz 3.8 4.2
Df @1GHz 0.009 0.024
Moisture Absorption 121°C PCT-4 hr % 0.25 0.36
  • PHENOLITE TD-2090-60M

Physical Properties

Appearance   Brown Liquid
Nonvolatile (Solid) Content Wt% 65
Solvent   Toluene
Functional Group Equivalent g/eq. 223
Softening Point (Solid) °C 152

Major Applications

  • Epoxy curing agent for high frequency PCBs.

Advantages Against Other Technologies

CCL Performance

Epoxy Resin HP-7200H-75M N-680-75M
Hardener HPC-8000-65T PN*1 HPC-8000-65T PN*1
Gelation Time @160°C min.sec. 4'30'' 5'26'' 3'47'' 3'42''
Glass Transition Temperature DMA, °C 175 187 172 205
TMA, °C 153 169 145 174
Dk (Cavity Resonator Perturbation Method)
(Dissipation Factor)
1GHz 3.8 4.2 3.9 4.4
10GHz 3.4 - 3.6 4.1
Df (Cavity Resonator Perturbation Method)
(Dissipation Factor)
1GHz 0.009 0.024 0.010 0.031
10GHz 0.013 - 0.014 0.034
Moisture Absorption PCT-2Hr,% 0.20 0.30 0.24 0.75
  PCT-4Hr, % 0.24 0.36 0.26 1.28
T288 min. >60 >60 >60 >60
  • PHENOLITE TD-2090-60M
HPC-8000-65T curing system

Major Applications

  • DIC recommends DMAP (dimethylaminopyridine) for the curing catalyst.

  • DIC recommends a curing temperature of 200°C or higher.

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