DIC Publishes DIC Report 2018 Integrated Report —Summary and complete versions of the report are posted on DIC’s corporate website—
- Sustainability
- News Release
Tokyo, Japan– DIC Corporation today announced the publication of the summary and complete versions of DIC Report 2018, the latest edition of its annual integrated report, which containing critical information on the DIC Group’s businesses, financial performance and sustainability initiatives, among others, in an efficient, easy-to-understand form.
With the aim of ensuring that this year’s report is easy to understand and reader-friendly, the report features president and CEO Kaoru Ino, who took office in January 2018, and business unit presidents, who convey the DIC Group’s management policies, and messages from a number of Group employees. The report also introduces a number of key Group technologies and explores DIC’s approach to creating value with the goal of ensuring sustainable growth.
With the aim of responding to the needs of an even greater number of stakeholders, DIC prepares a simplified summary version (printed and PDF) and a detailed version (PDF only), which contains extensive quantitative data, of its annual integrated report. To tie the report’s content to information on the DIC Group’s corporate website, the summary version indicates URLs for related pertinent information, as well as QR codes to facilitate easy access from tablets and smartphones. In preparing the report, DIC references ISO 26000, the International Organization for Standardization’s standard for social responsibility, released in 2010, as well as Japan’s Responsible Care Code and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s GRI Standards*. Having pledged to contribute through its business activities to the success of the United Nations (UN)’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 and later summarized as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), DIC has also uses the official SDGs icons to identify pertinent DIC Group initiatives in the sustainability report portion of the report.
The DIC Group’s brand slogan, “Color & Comfort” expresses its desire to help create a society that adds rich color and comfort to people’s lives. In line with this overall goal, DIC Report 2018 was designed in accordance with the principles of color universal design (CUD)†, earning official certification from the Color Universal Design Organization (CUDO). Consideration was also given to the environment, with the summary version printed using environment-friendly 100% vegetable oil-based DIC inks.
Looking ahead, the DIC Group will continue to use a variety of tools to promote communication with its many stakeholders to encourage greater awareness of its activities.
* The GRI is an international nonprofit organization the mission of which is to formulate international sustainability standards. In its role as an official collaborating center of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the GRI developed the Global Reporting Standards, which apply to sustainability reporting by a variety of entities.
† CUD is a design philosophy that seeks to use color schemes that make products, facilities and structures, environments, services and information accessible to individuals with all types of color vision.
- A Message from the President (comments from DIC’s president and CEO, Kaoru Ino)
- Financial and Nonfinancial Information
- The DIC Group’s Approach to Value Creation (New)
- The DIC Group’s Business Portfolio
- Fiscal Year 2017 DIC Group Topics (Expanded)
1.Strategies for Sustainable Growth: Progress Report
2.Employment Practices Based on the Incorporation of Diversity into Management - Special Feature Product Development Designed to Create New Value
> Pigments for Color Filters Used in LCDs and OLED Displays (Fine Chemicals)
> Adhesive Primers for Optical and Packaging Film (Polymers) - TOPIC: Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact by Using Water-Based Biomass Inks Made with Plant-Based Packaging Resin
- Corporate Governance
- Directors, Corporate Auditors and Executive Officers
- Overview of Materiality and Sustainability
- Sustainability Report (information on environment, safety and health (ESH), human resources management and other initiatives)
- Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2017
- Third-Party Verification
Japanese | Late July 2018 (Download from https://www.dic-global.com/ja/csr/annual/) |
English | Late August 2018 (Download from https://www.dic-global.com/en/csr/annual/) |
Chinese | Scheduled for publication in late September 2018 (Summary version only, available exclusively in print) |
*Note: The files are in Adobe Acrobat Format. To view them you will need Acrobat Reader.