DIC and FPCO Achieve the Closed-Loop Recycling of Colored and Patterned Foamed Polystyrene Food Trays Using Material Recycling —Full-scale operation of a new polystyrene dissolution and separation recycling facility commences in November 2024—
- Business & Product
- News Release
Tokyo, Japan—DIC Corporation announced the completion of a new facility for the dissolution and separation recycling of polystyrene used in colored and patterned foamed food trays at its Yokkaichi Plant in Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture on November 5. In collaboration with FP Corporation (FPCO), DIC aims to achieve the first closed-loop recycling system for these trays in Japan using material recycling.

(From left: Takeshi Ikeda, President, Representative Director and CEO of DIC; Morimasa Sato, Chairman and Group Director of FPCO; Tomohiro Mori, Mayor of Yokkaichi; and Ikuo Yamashita, President and Representative Director of Ishihara Engineering Partners Co., Ltd.)
FPCO collects post-consumer food trays and other items from approximately 11,000 collection bases (as of September 2024) at supermarkets and other locations across Japan to recycle them into new trays. Foamed polystyrene food trays can be either white or colored and patterned, depending on their use. While used white foamed trays can be recycled into new food trays, colored and patterned foamed trays have traditionally been recycled into materials for household items such as clothes hangers due to the black pellets produced when they are pulverized.
In August 2022, DIC announced the development of a new dissolution and separation technology specifically for colored and patterned trays. This deinking chemical process removes the colored elements from black pellets, transforming them into transparent pellets and enabling the closed-loop “tray-to-tray” recycling of these trays into new food trays. DIC’s new dissolution and separation recycling facility will supply approximately 10,000 tonnes of polystyrene annually that has been recycled from colored and patterned foamed food trays collected by FPCO.
In addition to increasing the volume of polystyrene recycled at this facility using material recycling, DIC and FPCO are also developing technologies for chemical recycling, which they plan to commence in fiscal year 2026, aiming to create a hybrid system comprehensive closed-loop recycling.
As part of its DIC Vision 2030 long-term management plan, the DIC Group has identified responding to a circular economy as a central sustainability strategy. The Group will continue to collaborate with customers and suppliers across its supply chain to achieve greater circularity in the food packaging market.
FPCO, through its “store-to-store” initiative, is committed to expanding the number of environment-friendly products and sales floors at supermarkets and other retail establishments, as well as creating products that contribute to CO2 emissions reduction.
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■FPCO Method Circular Recycling
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About DIC Corporation
DIC Corporation is one of the world’s leading fine chemicals companies and the core of the DIC Group, a multinational organization comprising over 190 companies, including Sun Chemical Corporation, across more than 60 countries and territories. The DIC Group is recognized as a global leader in the markets for various essential products, notably packaging materials, display materials for televisions and computers, and high-performance materials for smartphones, digital devices, and automobiles. Through these products, the Group endeavors to deliver safety, peace of mind, color and comfort, to people everywhere. The DIC Group is also committed to contributing to a sustainable society by developing innovative products that respond to social changes and address social imperatives. With annual consolidated net sales exceeding ¥1 trillion and over 22,000 employees worldwide, the Group pledges to continue working closely with its customer globally.
For more information, please visit the DIC global website:https://www.dic-global.com/en/
About FP Corporation
FP Corporation (FPCO) is Japan’s leading manufacturer of food containers used for items sold at supermarkets, convenience stores and other retailers. Since its establishment, the company has been dedicated to developing and providing products that meet the needs of its customers. FPCO also endeavors to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting its proprietary “tray-to-tray” and “bottle-to-tray” recycling method, which help reduce waste and CO2 emissions. Additionally, the company focuses on developing resource-efficient containers with a reduced environmental impact.
For more information, please visit the FPCO website:https://www.fpco.jp/en.html