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Health Care

Introducing DIC Products for the health care field

Product List

  • Pigments for Cosmetics

    Color & Display

    Pigments for Cosmetics

    • Health Care
    • Color

    Sun Chemical Corporation, a member of the DIC group, is a leading supplier of pigments for cosmetics.

    Representative Products

    SunCROMA for Cosmetics, SunPURO for Cosmetics

  • Health Foods, Spirulina

    Color & Display

    Health Foods, Spirulina

    • Health Care
    • Color

    ~ Spirulina, the algae also known as the king of superfoods ~

    Spirulina is a type of edible blue-green algae, believed to be one of the oldest life forms on Earth, having appeared approximately 3 billion years ago.
    Spirulina is known as the “king of superfoods” because it contains more than 50 health and nutritional components, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber, polysaccharides, and unsaturated fatty acids.

    It has a long history as a food, having been introduced to Japan in 1968. In 1977, DIC became the first in the world to start producing it on an industrial scale. In 1980, UNIDO recognized it as a food to watch, describing it as “an important food of the future.”
    *More information is available on the DIC Healthcare Business website at

    Representative Products

    DIC Spirulina, Earthrise Spirulina - Health Foods, Spirulina

  • Phycocyanin: Natural Blue Colorants

    Color & Display

    Phycocyanin: Natural Blue Colorants

    • Health Care
    • Color

    LINABLUE®, a blue pigment derived from the algae Spirulina, is a vibrant food coloring extracted with water from Spirulina, which is often referred to as the king of superfoods.
    The main component, phycocyanin, is a complex of phycocyanobilin and protein, involved in photosynthesis, and is expected to have health-promoting effects, thus attracting attention as a health food ingredient.

    Representative Products

    Linablue® - Natural Blue Colorants

  • Algal-derived DHA oil

    Color & Display

    Algal-derived DHA oil

    • Health Care

    Fermentalg DHA ORIGINS™-510” is DHA derived from microalgae (Schizochytrium sp.) cultivated in a clean environment. It is listed on the US FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list and registered as a Novel Food by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

    Representative Products

    Algal-derived DHA oil DHA ORIGINS™-510

  • UltraNanno™ Microalgae Feed

    Color & Display

    UltraNanno™ Microalgae Feed

    • Health Care

    "UltraNanno™", a concentrated liquid of the algae Nannochloropsis, is a plant-based feed for aquaculture.
    It has a high omega-3 content, so after feeding with UltraNanno™, rotifers have twice as much omega-3 content compared to when fed with fortified chlorella.
    UltraNanno™  is a product manufactured by VAXA and is cultivated using affordable and clean electricity, CO2, and hot water supplied by geothermal power plants in Iceland. Additionally, by cultivating in a closed system photobioreactor equipped with LEDs, it is possible to produce clean Nannochloropsis algae with little contamination all year round.

    Representative Products

    UltraNanno™ Microalgae Feed

  • Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules

    Functional Products

    Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules

    • Electronics
    • Health Care
    • Functional Materials

    SEPAREL, DIC's hollow fiber membrane modules was developed from our own proprietary techniques. Extremely efficient degassing is achieved without leaking by this proprietary hollow fiber membrane structure.

    Representative Products

    SEPAREL - Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules

  • DLP 3D Printing Materials

    New Business / Developed Products

    DLP 3D Printing Materials

    • Health Care
    • Functional Materials

    The DIC TrinDy® DLP 3D printing material lineup—combining proprietary DIC polymer design, composite design, and blending technologies—mainly features dental DLP resins. Our DLP 3D printer materials facilitate high-resolution stereoscopic output.

    Representative Products

    TrinDy® - DLP 3D Printing Materials

  • Blue Green Algal Polysaccharide (SACRAN)

    New Business / Developed Products

    Blue Green Algal Polysaccharide (SACRAN)

    • Health Care

    Representative Products

    SACRAN™ - Blue Green Algal Polysaccharide

    • Health Care