DIC 2025 New Year’s Message
- Management & IR
- News Release
The following is a summary of DIC President and CEO Takashi Ikeda’s 2025 New Year’s message to DIC Group employees:
2024 was a turning point in our corporate history. Last year, we overcame many obstacles to deliver a tremendous recovery in our business performance from an unprecedentedly harsh environment in 2023. We owe this incredible turnaround performance to all DIC Group members who worked diligently on multiple fronts. I want to express my deep gratitude for your outstanding efforts. Thank you!
Refusing to lean on external factors as an excuse, you boldly attacked problem areas, proactively implementing new initiatives wherever needed, clarifying our direction, and ultimately strengthening our business foundation. Building on this success, our new goal is to achieve record profits in fiscal 2026 and our DIC Vision 2030 goals.
Much work remains to accomplish these goals, and success will depend on establishing a solid foundation in fiscal 2025. Specifically, we need to strengthen our core businesses, which are being rebuilt, achieve results in new businesses, deliver new products that will drive future growth, and make our operations more efficient at the Group level.
Please remember the following points to ensure we achieve our fiscal 2025 budget and create the drive to leap forward.
1. Quickly identify needed changes and take the initiative to implement these changes
As we enter a new year marked by increasing uncertainty, we face shifting external factors, including the global economy and geopolitics. We must monitor supply chain trends broadly, focusing on customers and markets, to rapidly adjust to the earliest signs of change. In addition to regular backup plans, we should prepare additional contingencies,
such as reorganizations or reconstructions, to ensure that plans are achieved. Taking advantage of internal and external intelligence and implementing bold measures across departments and regions is essential.
2. Focus on maximizing effectiveness and pursuing ever-greater efficiencies
In 2024, we reviewed and narrowed themes and measures across multiple fields. In 2025, we will focus on actual results and require real results. Eliminate ambiguity and thoroughly examine cost-effectiveness. Clarify deadlines and quantitative targets and address issues while remaining conscious of optimal resource allocation.
3. Look for issues needing solutions proactively and independently
In 2024, we launched our new Direct to Society (D2S) initiative to foster innovation. This initiative begins with the notion that as everything we do ultimately impacts the greater society, we should look to the world around us for issues needing solutions. Improving our working environment, products, business development, and the myriad factors contributing to our performance requires every one of us to be proactive problem solvers.
Rather than being passive observers, we must think for ourselves, propose solutions, and take action to make them a reality. Only then can the DIC Group change and produce actual growth. Let's all work together to create the DIC Group's future and the world we serve.
Closing remarks
In a constantly changing world, we must overcome many challenges to meet the expectations of our many stakeholders. Here, we should shift our perspective to recognize current issues and continue to reform ourselves to fully meet current issues and the unseen challenges ahead. The DIC Group's unparalleled strengths include the incredible powers of diversity, teamwork, and creativity. This year, let us again strive to combine these strengths to solidify our corporate value and weather the rough waves of the times. I look forward to your continued efforts to achieve the new growth needed to secure a prosperous future. Let’s all work together to create a brighter future where environmental stewardship and progress go hand in hand.
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