Report on Other Initiatives

Goals and Achievements of Major Initiatives

Report on Responsible Care initiatives and prepare site reports.

Goals for fiscal year 2018
  • Reinforce and expand ef for ts to enhance the DIC Group’s performance.
  • Promote ongoing Responsible Care initiatives tailored to local markets.
Achievements in fiscal year 2018
  • Steps were taken to create a foundation for unifying performance data while ensuring legal and regulatory compliance in different countries and territories.
  • Ongoing Responsible Care initiatives tailored to local markets were promoted.
Evaluation ★★★
Goals for fiscal year 2019
  • Reinforce and expand ef for ts to enhance the DIC Group’s performance.
  • Promote ongoing Responsible Care initiatives tailored to local markets.

Implement measures for PCBs.

Goals for fiscal year 2018
  • Maintain a system for storing and managing PCBs.
  • Promote the proper disposal of equipment containing PCBs.
Achievements in fiscal year 2018 PCB waste was collected and stored in an appropriate manner and disposed of in accordance with the practices of the Japan Environmental Storage & Safety Corporation (JESCO).
Evaluation ★★★
Goals for fiscal year 2019
  • Maintain a system for storing and managing PCBs.
  • Promote the proper disposal of equipment containing PCBs.

Protect the ozone layer.

Goals for fiscal year 2018
  • Reinforce framework for managing equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
  • Continue promoting efforts to avoid the adoption of new raw materials containing specified CFCs.
  • Continue to ascertain the amount of CFCs leaked at domestic DIC Group companies and promote measures to prevent leakage.
Achievements in fiscal year 2018
  • The adoption of new raw materials containing specified CFCs was avoided.
  • Measures to ascertain the amount of CFCs leaked at domestic DIC Group companies proceeded.
Evaluation ★★★
Goals for fiscal year 2019
  • Reinforce framework for managing equipment containing CFCs.
  • Continue promoting efforts to avoid the adoption of new raw materials containing specified CFCs.
  • Continue to ascertain the amount of CFCs leaked at domestic DIC Group companies and promote measures to prevent leakage.


Goals for fiscal year 2018 Ensure awareness of potential risks associated with the discovery of asbestos during demolition or when retrofitting equipment and of appropriate responses.
Achievements in fiscal year 2018 Materials containing asbestos, including insulation, were discovered during the removal of equipment and were removed and disposed of in a legally appropriate manner.
Evaluation ★★★
Goals for fiscal year 2019 Ensure awareness of potential risks associated with the discovery of asbestos during demolition or when retrofitting equipment and of appropriate responses.
  • Evaluations are based on self-evaluations of current progress.
    Key: ★★★ = Excellent; ★★ = Satisfactory ★ = Still needs work