Research & Development

- Feb. 28, 2024
- R&D
- DIC Develops Basic Technology for an Innovative Epoxy Resin Curing Agent
That Is Heat-Resistant up to over 200°C and Can Be Recycled
- Sep. 11, 2023
- R&D
- DIC’s Near-Infrared Fluorescent Dye Adopted for Use in MIT-Developed BrightMarker Embedded Invisible Fluorescent Tags for Object Tracking
- Aug. 4, 2023
- R&D
- Development of Innovative Biomanufacturing Technologies Using CO₂ and H₂ as Feedstocks for Hydrogen-oxidizing Bacteria
With the aim of achieving its Color & Comfort by Chemistry management vision, the DIC Group is leveraging its basic technologies, including those in the areas of optics and color, organic molecular design, polymer design and dispersion, as well as its core technologies in such areas as synthesis, compounding and formulation, and surface treatment, to develop high-value-added products that contribute to a sustainable society. The Group is also building a portfolio of next-generation products and new technologies by integrating technological resources originating across the Group, as well as actively promoting open innovation, to drive sustainable growth.

Basic Technologies of DIC
Optics and color
Technologies for controlling substances' chemical and physical structure to determine reflection, transmission and absorption of light
Organic molecular design
Chemical structure technologies that use organic reactions to obtain certain properties, characteristics and functionality
Polymer design
Technologies for controlling the structure of polymer compounds to obtain certain properties, characteristics and functionality
Technologies for ensuring the uniform mixing of substances that do not naturally mix together completely
Applicability assessment (Coating/printing/molding)
Technologies for applying inks and coatings, molding plastics and compounds and forming films, as well as for assessing these products' functionality and characteristics