DIC Virtual Trade Show The Power of Packaging

Sun Chemical / OK Compost Certified Inks, Coatings and Adhesives

OK Compost Industrial or Home certified products


OK Compost Industrial or Home certified products

With an increasing focus on environmental impact, we aim to realize a compostable package through a combination of OK Compost Certified inks / adhesives and biodegradable film.

These products are certified "OK Compost Industrial or Home" by accredited laboratories.
Certified compostable products are products, which under the correct conditions would biodegrade and disintegrate within a well-defined period of time, with no negative effect on the quality of the soil, which could therefore be safely re-used for agricultural and horticultural purposes.

DIC Group are engaged in a variety of environmental initiatives including Reuse, Renewable, and Biomass. As part of these efforts, we provide OK Compost Certified products in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

For details of OK Compost Certified Products, please refer to the Download documents.


Food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, paper packaging

All you need to know in 60 seconds about Sun Chemical / OK Compost Certified Inks, Coatings and Adhesives

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